Years Active: 2015 // Genre: Electronic Funk
By 2015 I had been working at the same Agency for a decade. It was very clear to me that I had hit the glass ceiling and – though I had helped build the company from 3 employees to 15 – that my time there was limited. Each day I began to dislike the situation more and more and felt myself start to slowly slip into depression. Before letting it take hold – I once again turned to music and decided to write a song about it.
At the time, a few new acts like Foster the People and Fritz and the Tantrums were popular – and I was in love with their throw-back sounds. I upgraded my copy of Reason to get a few new toys and began to mess around in my free time with some new dynamic “dirty” filtering. Soon after – “The Fire” was born. Perhaps my favorite parts of this track are the dirty vocals and the creepy leads. The cover art is a play off of the movie Office Space – which by this point I felt was fitting.
Vocals / Programming – Miller
Track Listing
01. The Fire [ listen ]